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Alex Kleyner of Miami Launches ABK Capital Build Back Faster Program


May 12, 2021 ( Newswire) One thing that people seldom understand about the economy is that it requires lead time to get things moving. It also doesn't just screech to a halt either. When the pandemic struck, it took time for it to show any major impact on the economy. Things eventually slowed down bit by bit until activity was at a near standstill except for the most basic functions of life.

The same thing goes for what is happening in the economy today. The light does not just turn green and traffic roars off. Activity has to build up gradually and there are many necessary prerequisites that have to be attended to before progress really starts to show.

When Alex Kleyner a Miami real estate lender started ABK Capital, he understood that it takes time to get the wheels moving once again. We are proud to do our part in helping that process along by providing a critically-important supply of seed capital to help economic activity resume its former course.

Many projects that were just about ready for launch when the pandemic struck obviously got shelved for quite a while. Now that resumption is in order, financial conditions may not be the same as previously. Some companies no longer have the financial strength they once possessed. Some lenders which had previously greenlit various projects may have exited that particular segment of the market.

The result is that many companies are eager to get back to work but must iron out the financial details once again before anything else can happen. ABK Capital are experts in making these transactions happen in record time. We appreciate the urgency of the situation and respect the need for employers to get their people back on the job as rapidly as possible.

Miami has seen a boom due to covid-19 and high taxes up north in New York and New Jersey and thus entrepreneurs like Alex Kleyner has grown ABK Capital to become one of Miami-Dade & Broward County's most trusted names in the commercial real estate financing business for many years. No matter if you are looking for a straightforward senior financing arrangement or something a little more flexible, such as mezzanine financing, our staff of experienced professionals can get the job done. Kleyner has also expanded offerings in Florida where Kleyner has been active for the last 25 years. He has done projects in Islamorada, Ulis, Sunset Isles, Miami, Boynton Beach, and numerous other cities throughout Florida.

We also offer many options for distressed property financing as well. ABK can ease a transition in ownership or create timely solutions to looming debt emergencies. The main point to keep in mind is that we want to help you find the option that will work best in your own particular circumstances.

Because we have long specialized in innovative financing solutions, this means we are much more familiar with the full range of possibilities. Other lenders may not be able to see much beyond their ordinary line of business but finding creative solutions is our bread and butter.

So long as ABK Capital is on your side, you are not out of the game at all. You can still make that project happen. Yet there is always a certain degree of lag time in the commercial financing business. This is why it is so important for you to contact us as soon as possible. The faster we can familiarize ourselves with your needs, the quicker we can assemble a package of financial solutions that will fully satisfy your requirements.

Nor is that the only thing we can do for you. Because of our long experience in the south Florida market, we can often assist our clients in other ways as well. We have a wide range of contacts throughout every aspect of the commercial and residential construction industries. If there is some logistical or staffing difficulty on your project, we may be able to assist you in working through it. Likewise, your company may be the answer to someone else's needs.

The truth is that we have a long way to go to get the country moving once again. At ABK Capital, Alex Kleyner believes that we can achieve that goal faster by having everyone work together. Give us a call today and let us show what we can do to make things better for you.

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