Investor Ideas Potcast #557, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Alex Gettlin, Host of the "Highly Unlikely" Podcast
Podcast sponsored by Phyto Extractions Inc. (CSE:XTRX)

Delta, Kelowna, BC - April 26, 2021 ( Newswire), a global news source covering leading sectors including marijuana and hemp stocks and its potcast site, release today's podcast edition of cannabis news and stocks to watch plus insight from thought leaders and experts.
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Investor Ideas Potcasts #557, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Alex Gettlin, Host of the "Highly Unlikely" Podcast
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Today's podcast overview/transcript:
Good afternoon and welcome to another episode of "Potcast" featuring cannabis news, stocks to watch as well as insights from thought leaders and experts.
Today's podcast is sponsored by Phyto Extractions Inc. (CSE:XTRX), an agricultural-scale cannabis extraction, distillation and product manufacturer located in Langley, BC at its co-located Health Canada Licensed Standard Processing (extraction, no cultivation), Sales (extracts, topicals, and edibles) through Adastra Labs Inc. and Analytical Testing Laboratory through Chemia Analytics Inc. Adastra Labs also has a pending Health Canada R&D license amendment.
In today's podcast Investorideas interviews Alex Gettlin, Comedian and Host of the new "Highly Unlikely" Podcast, where discussed the launch of the show, how Alex chose both his guests and the strains of cannabis for the show and what it's like having a job where you get to get high for work.
Highly Unlikely is one of Wikileaf's new podcast series being launched along with Hip Hop History High and Wikileaf Audio. Wikileaf is a price comparison platform for recreational and medicinal cannabis consumers and provides consumers with instant price comparison among dispensaries in their immediate vicinity.
Since its inception in 2014, Wikileaf's mission has been to empower the cannabis consumer and achieves this through transparency in pricing when shopping for dispensaries or deliveries and transparency in information whether researching strains, brands, industry news or jobs.
Highly Unlikely is described as, "have you ever gone down a rabbit hole and discovered facts about reality that blow your mind? Well, so do we, the only difference is on Highly Unlikely, we do it stoned."
Alex Gettlin commented on the show and getting paid to get high saying, "it definitely is fun to think of my life 10 years ago and the sort of stigma around smoking weed, and now my creative endeavors are becoming successful largely in part due to cannabis. For me, I use it for two reasons; one it helps me sleep at night, a nice Indica really helps relax me, and the other one I really enjoy is a nice Sativa that helps me go into those weird corners of my brain and come up with interesting ideas. I think it's really helped my own creativity and curiosity. It's really cool to have a job to literally get paid to smoke weed and talk about crazy and wild facts from all over the Internet."
Season 1 of Highly Unlikely launched recently on 4/20 and will have eight episodes featuring Brent Pella, Kate Quigley, Slink Jonhson, Ben Gleib, Armando Torres, Chirs Cope, Alex Hooper and Chuante Wayans.
Gettlin commented on some of the more interesting and confusing elements of the cannabis industry he came across while prepping for the show mentioning, "this is the first time I've actually done anything involved with the business end of the cannabis world. It's been a little frustrating learning how unclear all the rules are around social media platforms and cannabis use and what you can put where. I also learned that because it's federally illegal still, of all of the financial troubles around the business end of cannabis, investors and entrepreneurs. I'm not an expert but just common sense to me seems that you have this incredible market, the sciences shows this isn't a major threat to people's health like cigarettes or alcohol is, it's an incredible opportunity to create jobs, so why wouldn';t you make it as easy as possible for folks to do this and build revenue for communities. On the cool side, learning how nuanced and convoluted all the different strains are, and how when they grow the plants ,the females create the THC."
Gettlin continued to discuss possible future guests for the podcast, his own cannabis and psychedelic experiences and even eventually including psychedelics in the show's concept in the future.
To check out the first two episodes from Highly Unlikely click here.
Once again, today's podcast is sponsored by Phyto Extractions Inc. (CSE:XTRX), an agricultural-scale cannabis extraction, distillation and product manufacturer located in Langley, BC at its co-located Health Canada Licensed Standard Processing (extraction, no cultivation), Sales (extracts, topicals, and edibles) through Adastra Labs Inc. and Analytical Testing Laboratory through Chemia Analytics Inc. Adastra Labs also has a pending Health Canada R&D license amendment.
Investor ideas reminds all listeners to read our disclaimers and disclosures on the website and that this podcast is not an endorsement to buy products or services or securities. Investors are reminded all investment involves risk and possible loss of investment.
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