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Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 400 - 3 Days Until 4/20 (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC)


Delta, Kelowna, BC - April 17, 2020 ( Newswire), a global news source covering leading sectors including marijuana and hemp stocks and its potcast site, release today's podcast edition of cannabis news and stocks to watch plus insight from thought leaders and experts.

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Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 400 - 3 Days Until 4/20 (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC)


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Today's podcast overview/transcript:

Good afternoon and welcome to another episode of "Potcast" featuring cannabis news, stocks to watch as well as insights from thought leaders and experts.

In today's podcast we look at a few public company announcements as well as discussing some of the ways to safely enjoy this year's 4/20.

Valens GroWorks Corp. (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF), a global leader in the end-to-end development and manufacturing of innovative, cannabinoid-based products, announced that its common shares and certain warrants have commenced trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the trading symbols "VLNS" and "VLNS.WT," at which time they were delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange.

Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) today announced a series of global operational changes designed to further optimize production, better align supply and demand, and improve efficiencies in its global operations. As part of its ongoing strategic review of the business, the Company announced today the following changes:

  • Africa: Canopy Growth has entered into an agreement to exit its operations in South Africa and Lesotho, targeting a transfer of ownership of all of its African operations to a local business. The Company expects to close the transaction in the coming weeks.
  • Canada: Canopy Growth will shut down its indoor facility in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, to further align production in Canada with market conditions. The Company is confident its production capacity in Canada will meet consumer demand into the future.
  • Latin America: Canopy Growth will cease operations at its cultivation facility in Colombia, moving to an asset-light model that leverages local suppliers for raw materials and Procaps for formulation and encapsulation activities as outlined in the previously announced agreement between the two companies. These activities will support the position of Colombia as the Company's LATAM production hub and the ongoing development of its cannabis industry.
  • United States: Canopy Growth will cease its farming operations in Springfield, New York, due to an abundance of hemp produced in the 2019 growing season. The Company will continue using this supply to produce hemp-derived CBD products for the US market.

"When I arrived at Canopy Growth in January, I committed to conducting a strategic review in order to lower our cost structure and reduce our cash burn," said David Klein, CEO, Canopy Growth. "I believe the changes outlined today are an important step in our continuing efforts to focus the Company's priorities, and will result in a healthier, stronger organization that will continue to be an innovator and leader in this industry. I want to sincerely thank the members of the teams affected by these decisions for their contributions in helping build Canopy Growth."

The Company continues to expect, based upon information currently available to management, to record estimated pre-tax charges of approximately C$700-800MM in the quarter ending March 31, 2020. This relates to this announcement and previous announcements, as well as any additional changes made during the organizational and strategic review. The organizational changes announced today include a headcount reduction of approximately 85 full-time positions.

Also in recent news, the campaign to place an adult-use cannabis legalization initiative on Missouri's 2020 ballot is suspending its efforts due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Dan Viets, chairman of Missourians for a New Approach, told the Springfield News-Leader on April 15 that the petition initiative campaign is officially over due to public response to the pandemic, which is prohibiting supporters from gathering signatures.

The campaign had to collect 160,000 valid signatures by early May to get the issue before voters this fall.

Viets told the Springfield News-Leader that the campaign asked the state to allow online signature gathering under the circumstances, but the effort was unsuccessful.

Missourians for a New Approach plans to resume the campaign next year to get the initiative on Missouri's November 2022 ballot.

Now since there isn't an abundance of news out today, and since 4/20 is coming up in 3 days while we are in the midst of a global pandemic, we thought we would include some helpful information and solutions to staying safe and still enjoying your cannabis this 4/20.

If you're a fan of using glass, which I know I am, then there may be some facts about bacteria you're unaware of.

One company, Moose Labs, created the Mouth Peace after conducting a thorough study, to combat this germ issue.

Did you know hemp smoke can deposit tar deeper into the lungs than cigarettes because of how it's inhaled?

After 16 months of R&D, Moose Labs created the new MouthPeace and MouthPeace Filters. Made from biodegradable and recycled materials, the triple-layer activated carbon filters will sanitize smoke/vapor and enhance flavors by removing resins, toxins, and tar; all without blocking your intake or reducing airflow.

Using the no-touch design, eject the filter by pushing it up and out with your thumb from the side of the MouthPeace. Replace as needed for optimal performance.

An excessive and harmful amount of bacteria is passed between cannabis consumers who share cannabis pipes, vaporizers, and joints both at home and at cannabis consumption events.

Using an ATP Monitoring System, various cannabis pipes, as well as neutral objects, were tested to determine the levels of bacteria present.

Testing took place at two social consumption cannabis events in California. At each event, a pipe was placed on the table and 100 participants (200 total) were asked to consume cannabis through said pipe. Using an A/B testing method against baseline results, the first 50 participants at each event were given a MouthPeace, a sanitary smoking device, and instructed to use it when smoking from the pipe. The MouthPeace device is made of silicone and provides a personal and universal mouthpiece for pipes, vaporizers, and joints, preventing direct human contact. The following 50 participants were given no instruction and were not provided MouthPeaces. At predetermined intervals the pipe's mouthpiece was swabbed, the swab was tested using the ATP Monitoring System and the results were recorded.

An astounding level of bacteria was found on cannabis pipes, vaporizers, and joints; significantly higher than what was initially expected. In fact, it was difficult to find a neutral object in daily life that was as contaminated as a cannabis pipe, which has on average, almost one and a half times more bacteria than a public toilet seat. It was observed that very few cannabis consumers take precautions when it comes to sharing pipes, as only 5% of participants used available alcohol wipes to clean the pipe prior to consumption. However, utilizing alcohol wipes as a quick, sanitary solution at cannabis events has been shown to be ineffective in significantly lowering the bacteria level of a cannabis pipe.

Additional tests were performed on randomly selected pipes, vaporizers, and joints, as well as neutral objects, such as public restroom toilet seats, ATM keypad buttons, shopping carts, etc. The latter was done to establish real-world comparisons.

See there video which discusses the company's study on bacteria on pipes and bongs here.

Another thing to consider this 4/20 is switching to edibles, for one this option is easy to share without sharing bacteria and two these allow your lungs to stay healthy and strong while still delivering a potent high.

We've talked a lot about the many products that are out on the market today and also many of the products that are still yet to come out onto the legal recreational market. With limited selection out on the Canadian market and with many products sold out in the U.S. it might be time to look into making your own edibles as well.

There are many companies offering services and products for just such usage such as Friendibles, who offers recipes and recommends products for at home edible making such as Paracanna, Enjoy Angel, and ReTreatibles.

The last thing to consider during this 4/20 if you are running short on cannabis supplies is to ensure that you are utilizing today's technology, which I have discussed a lot lately, and use either curb-side pick up or at home delivery when ordering from your favorite dispensary. If you're favorite doesn't offer such a service, find out why and this might be the time to finally get involved in your local politics to ensure you have safe and easy access to your cannabis needs. It is "essential" after all.

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