2021 Investorideas Potcasts:
December 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #618, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; ETF Interview with Cannabis Expert for ETFMG
Investor Ideas Potcasts #617, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with CEO of Psychedelic Water
Investor Ideas Potcasts #616, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Becky Postar COO of HDCS (Higher-Risk Deposit Compliance Solutions)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #615, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with President & CEO of Flora Growth Corp (NASDAQ: $FLGC)
November 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #614, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF), (TSX: AVCN) (OTCQX: AVCNF), (CSE: LUV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #613, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; CEO of Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC: $MJNA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #612, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Founder and Lead Pastor of Pachamama Ayahuasca Sanctuary
Investor Ideas Potcasts #611, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: HEXO) (TSX: HEXO), (CSE: TGOD) (CSE: RIV), (OTCQB: HCAND)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #610, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: AUSA) (OTC: AUSAF) (TSXV: KHRN) (CSE: XBRA) (CSE: DELC)
October 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #609, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTCQB: PHOT), (CSE: BCBC), (NASDAQ: ACB), (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #608, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with President and CEO of RIV Capital (CSE: RIV) (OTC: CNPOF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts 607, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (Nasdaq: HITI), (CSE: FFNT), (OTCQX: AAWH), (TSXV: KHRN), (CSE: DELC)
September 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #606, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move - (OTC: HCANF), (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB), (CSE: DELC), (NASDAQ: VFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #605, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (TSX: HEXO) (NASDAQ: HEXO), (NASDAQ: SNDL) (TSX-V: ENTG)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #604, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move (CSE: XTRX) (CSE: AUSA) (TSX: FAF) (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSX: VFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #603, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF), (CSE: BHSC), (TSXV: N) (OTC: NXTTF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #602, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF), (TSX: HEXO) (NASDAQ: HEXO), (NEO: MEDI), (CSE: BHSC)
August 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #601, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX-V: ENTG) (OTCQX: WDDMF), (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF), (TSXV: KHRN) (CSE: IKNK.U)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #600: (CSE: BRAX) (OTC: BRAXF) (OTC: ERBB) (OTCQX: AVCNF) (NASDAQ: GNLN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #599, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: HUGE) (CSE: HUGE), (TSX: FAF) (TSXV: BEER) (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #598, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: VLNS), (CSE: BHSC) (CSE: HARV) (OTCQX: HRVSF), (CSE: XTRX)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #597, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: ORCD), (TSX: LABS), (TSX: XLY), (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #596, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: FLGC), (TSX: VLNS) , (CSE: COOL), (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #595, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF), (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF), (CSE: AYUR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #594, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with CEO / Co-Founder and COO of Marimed Inc. (OTCQX: MRMD)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #593, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC), (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF), (OTC: LRSV) and (OTC: ERBB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #592, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: FAF,) (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (CSE: DELC) (OTCQB: DELCF) and (OTC: KONEF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #591, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: GTII) (OTCQX: GTBIF), (CSE: EASY), (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF), (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX: WEED)
July 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #590, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Managing Director of Poseidon Asset Management
Investor Ideas Potcasts #589, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: CRFT), (CSE: GAGE), (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF), (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #588, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (Nasdaq: SNDL) (TSXV: HITI) (Nasdaq: HITI) (CSE: GAGE)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #587, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move - Interview with CEO of Silo Wellness Inc. (CSE: SILO) (OTCQB: SILFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #586, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: OGI) (TSX: OGI), (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF) (CSE: PULL) (OTC: PRXTF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #585, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move Interview with CEO of Province Brands
Investor Ideas Potcast #584, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: Interview with Howard Tanyu, CEO of The Hub Craft
Investor Ideas Potcasts #583, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTC:ROSN), (TSXV: NUMI), (TSXV: HITI) (NASDAQ: HITI) (CSE: HBOR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #582, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Happy Canada Day! (TSX: VFF) (NASDAQ: VFF), (OTCQX: MRCQF), (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX: WEED)
June 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #581, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: (CSE: TRUL) (TSXV: KHRN) (NASDAQ: HITI) (NASDAQ: TLRY) (TSX: VLNS)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #580, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: Interview with Co-Founders of Good Stuff Beverages Co.
Investor Ideas Potcasts #579, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NEO: HALO) (OTCQX: HCANF), (CSE:RYAH), (CSE: AUSA), (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC), (TSX: TGOD)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #578, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with CEO of Albert Labs - improving patient access to psychedelic assisted therapies
Investor Ideas Potcasts #577, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NEO: MEDI) (OTC: KONEF), (CSE: YOOM) (TSXV: MUSH)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #576, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Co-CEO of Planet 13 Holdings Inc. (CSE: PLTH) (OTC: PLNHF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #575, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with CEO of HEXO Corp. (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #574, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: CRFT), (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF), (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF), (TSXV: LOVE) (OTCQB: LOVFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #573, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: DELC) (OTCQB: DELCF), (TSXV: MUSH), (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF), (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #572, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move (CSE: PLTH) (OTCQB: PLNHF), (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON), (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #571, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTC: ROSN), (TSXV: HITI) (NASDAQ: HITI), (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF), (NYSE: HEXO) (TSX: HEXO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #570, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: NRTH) (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO) (OTCQB: DIGP)
May 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #569, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB) (CSE: AAWH.U) (CSE: HARV) (OTCQX: HRVSF) (TSXV: NOVC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #568, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (CSE: AAWH.U) (NEO: HALO) (OTC: HCANF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 567: Interview with Chris Walsh, CEO of MJ Biz Daily
Investor Ideas Potcasts #566, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: HITI) (OTCQB: HITID), (TSX: VIVO) (OTCQX: VVCIF), (TSXV: NOVC), (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (OTCQB: GPFT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #565, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: TRUL) (OTCQX: TCNNF), (CSE: EATS) (OTC: EATBF) (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #564, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Danny Keith of Eighth Icon - manages the Cheech and Chong Cannabis Brands
Investor Ideas Potcasts #563, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF), (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF), (CSE: DELC) (OTCQB: DELCF), (OTC: MJNA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #562, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSX: VFF), (CSE: TRUL) (OTC: TCNNF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #561, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (CSE: TER), (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON), (CSE: TRIP) (NASDAQ: MNMD)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #560, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (TSXV: MUSH), (NASDAQ: SNDL), (CSE: EASY), (CSE: TRUL)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #559, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (TSXV: HITI) (OTCQB: HITIF), (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF), (TSXV: KO)
April 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: Interview with CEO of Global Cannabis Applications Corp. (CSE: APP) (OTC: FUAPF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #558, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (TSX: VLNS) (OTC: HCANF), (CSE: TRIP) (TSXV: N), (NYSE: HEXO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #557, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Alex Gettlin, Host of the "Highly Unlikely" Podcast
Investor Ideas Potcasts #556, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (CSE: MEDI), (CSE: IKNK.U) (TSXV: HITI) (OTCQB: HITIF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #555, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX) (TSX: FAF) (CSE: AION) (CSE: IPOT) (OTC: ISCNF) (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #554 Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: Happy 4/20! (CSE:XTRX), (TSX: CWEB) (OTCQX: CWBHF), (OTC: HIPH), (OTC:VSYM) (OTC: BSPK)
Investor Ideas Potcast #553, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (TSX: APHA) (NASDAQ: APHA), (OTC: VSYM), (TSX-V: VIS)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #552, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: XTRX), (TSX: HEXO), (TSX: VLNS) (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX: FAF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #551 Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX-V: PKAN) (TSXV: EMH) (CSE: EASY) (CSE: IKNK.U) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #550, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX: FIRE) (CSE: PULL) (CSE: HOLL) (CSE: CURA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #549, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: VEXT), (CSE: CURA), (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF), (CSE: BLO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #548, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF), (CSE: HOLL) (OTC: HSTRF), (CSE: MEDI) and BDSA
Investor Ideas Potcasts #547, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (NASDAQ: CLVR)
March 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #546, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: NRTH) (TSXV: N) (OTC: NXTTF) (OTC: MJNA) (TSX: HMMJ) (NEO: HMUS)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #545, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTCQB: ALID) (OTC: LRSV), (CSE: RAMM) (OTC: RAMMF), (TSX: ZENA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts 544, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT), (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF), (OTC: MJNA), (CSE: OPTI) (CSE: SILO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #543, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move (OTC: OWPC) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF), (TSXV: HITI) (OTCQB: HITIF), (TSX: CLIQ)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #542, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: APHA) (Nasdaq: APHA), (OTCQB: ALID) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF)
Investor Ideas Podcast-CEO of Rritual Superfoods Inc. (CSE: $RSF.C) Discusses Functional Mushrooms and Adaptogens and New Era of Superfoods
Investor Ideas Potcasts #541, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: VIVO) (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (TSXV: PCLO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 540 (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF) (CSE: MEDI)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #538, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: LOWL) (CSE: PULL) (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (CSE: AUSA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #538, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: VLNS) (TSX: CWEB) (CSE: PULL) (OTC: MJNA) (CSE: IPOT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #537, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSXV: NRTH) (TSXV: HITI) (CSE: AUSA) (CSE: CHOO)
February 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #536, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: DELC) (OTCQB: DELCF), (TSX: CWEB) (TSXV: N)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #535, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NEO: MGW) (OTCQB: MGWFF) (TSX: APHA) (NASDAQ: APHA) (NASDAQ: TLRY) (CSE: AUSA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #534, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTC: $HIPH) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF) (CSE: JUSH) (OTC: JUSHF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #533, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Jason Malcolm, Co-Lead of Arcview Management Consulting
Investor Ideas Potcasts #532, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Paul Rosen, CEO of 1933 Industries (CSE: TGIF) (OTC: TGIFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #531, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: IPOT) (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO) (TSXV: NDVA) (TSX: FAF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #530, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB) (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #528, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF) (NASDAQ: TLRY) (OTC: ZAAG) (CSE: CRFT) (TSXV: NDVA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #528, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (OTC: OWPC) (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (NASDAQ: CLVR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #527, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSX: VFF) (TSXV: WWT) (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #526, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX.V: FLWR) (OTC: FLWPF) (Nasdaq: JAZZ) (Nasdaq: GWPH) (NYSE: MJ)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #525, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: TNY) (OTC: TNYBF) (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (Nasdaq: KERN)
January 2021
Investor Ideas Potcasts #524, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT) (NYSE: ABC) (TSX: ACB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #523, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (OTC: PURA) (OTC: ALKM) (TSX-V: ELXR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #522, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move (TSX: VLNS) (CSE: HOLL) (CSE: HARV) (CSE: CURA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #521, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: ACB) (NYSE: ACB) (CSE: MCUR) (OTCQB: MCURF) (NYSE: HEXO) (TSX: HEXO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #520, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: VIS) (NASDAQ: JVA) (TSX: AH) (OTC: ALEAF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #519, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: CRFT) (TSX.V: WMD) (TSX: WLLW) (CSE: IPOT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #518, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTCQX: SBVCF) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #517, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: APHA) (Nasdaq: APHA) (TSXV: N) (TSX: VLNS) (CSE: PULL)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #516, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO) (OTCQX: INLB) (CSE: TRUL) (CSE: AGRA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #515, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: (CSE: TER) (OTCQX: TRSSF) (NASDAQ: SNDL)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #514, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: FIRE) (TSX:AH) (CSE: PULL) (CSE: LOVE) (TSXV: N)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #513 Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: FLWR) (OTC: MJNA) (OTCQB: CTGL) (TSX: AVCN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 512 - 2020 Round Up