2020 Investorideas Potcasts:
December 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts #511, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Psychedelic Spotlight (OTCQB: ALID) (CSE: PULL) (CSE: NOVA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #510, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX: RIV) (CSE: HOLL) (TSX: VFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #509, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSXV: NUMI) (NASDAQ: APHA) (OTCQB: PHCG) (NYSE: XXII)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #508, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: APHA) (NASDAQ: APHA) (NASDAQ: TLRY) (OTC: EDXC) (OTCQX: INLB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #507, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: (CSE: PULL) (OTCQB: DRVD) (CSE: HOLL) (CSE: STEM)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #506, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTC: LRSV) (TSX: AH) (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: AVCN) (CSE: PULL)
Investor Ideas Potcasts #505, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (CSE: PULL) (TSXV: HITI) (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX-V: ENW)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 504 (TSXV: KHRN), (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT), (TSXV:WMD), (CSE: RWB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 503 (OTCQX: MRMD) (OTC: EDXC) (OTC: CANQF) (NASDAQ: INM)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 502 (TSX: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF) (CSE: NOVA) (CSE: TNY)
November 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 501 - Looking back at 500 Episodes Favourite Interviews - Tommy Chong, Montel Williams, Shavo from System of the Down and More
Cannabis Stocks up for Episode 500 of Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX: FAF) (CSE: BAMM) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: TGOD) (NASDAQ: CGC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 499: (TSX: DN) (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSX: VFF) (CSE: CURA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 498: (TSX: CWEB) (TSXV: PCLO) (TSXV: BEER) (CSE: LXX)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 496 (NASDAQ: SAMA), (CSE: DELC), (TSXV: PCLO), (TSXV: N)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 495 (NASDAQ: GNLN), (CSE: JUVA) (TSX: VLNS)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 494 (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (OTCQB: AMMJ) (TSX: FIRE) (CSE: RVV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 494 (TSX: VFF) (NASDAQ: VFF) (CSE: HOLL) (OTC: HSTRF) (NEO: HALO) (OTC: AGEEF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 493 (TSXV: KHRN) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (TSX: RIV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 492 (CSE: FTRP) (CSE: CURA) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (OTC: HEMP)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 491: Marijuana Wins Big in US Election
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 490 (TSX: DN) (OTCQX: VRNDF) (NASDAQ: GWPH) (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSX: VFF)
October 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 489 - Psychedelic Spotlight (CSE: SPOR) (OTC:TRMNF) (NEO: MMED) (OTCQB: MMEDF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 488 (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF) (OTC: MJNA) (CSE: DIXI.U), (OTCQX: DXBRF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 487 (TSXV: META) (CSE: HITI) (OTCQB: HITIF) (OTC: CHNC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 486 (CSE: PILL) (OTCQB: CTABF) (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT) (CSE:BEV) (OTCQB: BVNNF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 485 (TSXV:DB) (OTCQB: DBCCF), (CSE: XCX) (TSXV: NUMI)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 484 (CSE: TGIF) (OTCQX: TGIFF) (CSE: ORCD) (OTC: ORVRF) (OTC: MJNA) (OTCQB: ALID)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 483 - Review of two years as we approach the anniversary of legalization in Canada
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 482 (TSX: APHA) (NASDAQ: APHA), (TSXV: NRTH), (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF), (CSE: BEV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 481 (CSE: PRMO) (TSXV: ENW) (CSE: IPOT) (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 480 (TSX-V: WMD) (TSXV: NDVA) (TSXV: WWT) (CSE: FONE)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 479 (OTC: CSUI) (OTCQB: BVNNF) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: CURLF) (OTC: PHCG)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 478 (CSE: RAMM) (TSX: APHA) (NASDAQ: APHA), (OTC: MJNA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 477 (NEO: SVX.U) (OTCQB: ALID)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 476 (TSX: VIVO) (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON) (OTCQX: MRMD) (NEO: MGW) (OTCQB: MGWFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 475 (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (CSE: ACRG.A.U) (TSX: TGOD) (CSE: HAVN)
September 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 474 (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (TSXV: NDVA) (OTCQX: NDVAF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts Episode 473: Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Cannabis Suisse Corp. (OTC: $CSUI) COO and President
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 472 (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSXV: NUMI) (CSE: BAMM) (CSE: CURA) (TSX: IN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 471: Interview with Time Moore and Susan Chapelle, Co-CEO's of Havn Life Sciences (CSE: HAVN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 470 (OTCQB: CTABF) (OTC: CSUI), (OTCQX: AVCNF), (TSXV: PCLO) (OTCQX: PCLOF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 469 (OTC: PHCG) (NASDAQ: NEPT) (OTC: MJNA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 468 (CSE: PRMO) (OTC: BUGVD) (CSE: SUN) (OTC: WLDFF) (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 467 (TSX: L) (TSX: FAF) (CSE: IMCC) (NASDAQ: NEPT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 466 (NASDAQ: GNLN) (CSE: PACR) (NYSE: ACB) (CSE: ISH)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 465 (TSXV: N) (CSE: PAID) (CSE: AUSA) (OTC: AUSAF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 464 (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB) (OTC: CTTH) (TSX: WLLW)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 463 (TSX: LABS) (CSE: PLUS) (CSE: THC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 462 (CSE: GTII) (OTCQB: MGWFF) (CSE: CURA) (NASDAQ: AMRS)
August 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 461 (CSE: TRUL) (OTC: MJNA) (OTCQB:WRHLF) (TSXV: SUGR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 460 (CSE: EASY) (NASDAQ: ONLN) (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSX: VFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 459 (TSXV: SUGR) (TSX: AVCN) (CSE: THC) (CSE: CHV) (CSE: TTT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 458 - Interview with Tommy Chong - Legendary Activist, Actor and Comedian
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 457 (TSX: VLNS) (TSXV: MTRX) (CSE: TER) (TSXV: N) (TSXV: NDVA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 456 (OTC: PSYC) (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 455 (TSX: VLNS) (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSX: VFF) (TSX: TGOD) (TSX: ZENA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 454 (TSX: AVCN) (OTCQX: AVCNF) (CSE: TGIF) (OTCQX: TGIFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 453 (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: FIRE)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 452 (NASDAQ: APHA) (NASDAQ: CRON) (NASDAQ: GWPH) (NASDAQ: CGC) (TSX: RIV) (NASDAQ: TLRY)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 451 (CSE: GTII) (CSE: TGIF) (TSXV: EVE) (CSE: ISH)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 450 (CSE: CXXI) (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSXV: RLV) (TSXV: WMD)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 449: Interview with Matt Markiewicz, Managing Director of the Cannabis ETF (THCX)
July 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 448 (CSE: TER) (CSE: CURA) (OTC: HEMP)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 447 (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (NASDAQ: GNLN) (CSE: CRFT) (OTCQB: GPFT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 446 (TSX: AVCN) (TSX: HEXO) (TSX: ZENA) (OTC: EHVVF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 445 (CSE: CURA) (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: FAF) (TSX: LABS) (OTCQB: TECR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 444 (CSE: DOSE) (OTC: MJNA) (OTCQB: AXIM) (CSE: XCX)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 443 (TSXV: IGX) (OTCQB: IGXT) (CSE: BEV) (OTCQB: WRHLF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 442 (OTC: VSYM) (TSX: KHRN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 441 (TSX: AVCN) (CSE: IMCC) (OTC: PSYC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 440 (TSX: VLNS) (NASDAQ: GNLN) (CSE: CURA) (TSX: HMMJ)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 439 (CSE: MWM) (TSX: RIV) (OTC: CNPOF) (CSE: ACRG.U)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 438 (NASDAQ: VFF) (CSE: NOVA) (CSE: LOVE) (OTCQB: MGWFF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 437 (TSX: FAF) (OTC: EDXC) (CSE: XCX) (TSX: VIVO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 436 (TSXV:KHRN) (OTC: EDXC)
June 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 435 (TSX:RIV) (TSXV: RTI) (TSXV: XLY) (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 434 (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (CSE: ACTG.U) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTC: OWPC) (TSXV: WMD) (OTC: PHOT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 433 (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: VIVO) (OTC: BBRW) (CSE: IMCC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 432 (CSE: LIB) (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT) (TSXV: N) (CSE: BILZ) (NYSE: IFF) (TSXV: NRTH) (TSX: AVCN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 431 (CSE: DOSE) (OTCQB: ALID) (CSE: LHS) (CSE: THC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 430 (TSX: VLNS) (CSE: IMCC) (TSXV: WMD) (OTCQX: WDDMF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 429. (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF) (OTCQB:SGMD) (OTC: HEMP)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 428 (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT) (TSX:TGOD) (NASDAQ: GNLN) (OTC: PSYC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 427 (TSXV: NUMI) (CSE: IPOT) (TSXV: RTI) (OTC: ERBB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 426 - Interview with Chris Gayford, Owner/Operator of Mary Jane's Headquarters and Cheeba Cheebas Premium Cannabis
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 425 (CSE: BBM) (CSE: XCX) (OTC: VSYM) (TSX: APHA) (NASDAQ: APHA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 423 (OTC: CSUI) (NASDAQ: GWPH) (CSE: PRMO) (TSX: ZENA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 423 (OTC: CSUI) (CSE: IPOT) (OTC: OWPC) (TSX: VLNS) (CDE: HOLL)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 422 (OTC: CSUI) (NASDAQ: HUGE) (TSX: RIV) (OTCQB: CBDY) (TSX: HEXO) (OTC: CURR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 421 (OTC: CSUI) (CSE: OILS) (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: CANN)
May 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 420 (OTC: CSUI) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (OTCQX: MRMD) (Nasdaq: KERN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 419 (OTC: CSUI) (CSE: AUSA) (TSXV: NRTH) (OTC: PSYC) (OTCQB: PHCG)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 418 (OTC: CSUI) (TSX: TGOD) (NYSE: APHA) (TSX: LABS) (OTC: ERBB)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 417 (OTC: CSUI) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB), (CSE: CURA) (TSXV: RTI)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 415 (OTC: CSUI) (CSE: MWM) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF) (CSE:THC) (OTC:THCBF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: Episode 415 (OTC: CSUI) (OTC: EHVVF) (OTC: SKDI) (TSX: TGOD) (NASDAQ: NEPT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: Episode 414 (OTC: CSUI) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB), (NASDAQ: SNDL) (TSX: VLNS) (CSE: AGRA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 413 (OTC: CSUI) (OTC: ERBB) (NASDAQ: NEPT) (NYSE: CGC) (CSE: CRFT) (TSXV: NDVA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 412 (OTC: CSUI) (TSX: FAF) (CSE: PILL) (CSE: CURA) (TSX: FIRE) (OTCQX: SPRWF) (CSE: BLO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 411 (OTC: CSUI) (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON) (TSXV: KHRN) (CSE: TRUL) (CSE: INDS) (CSE: JUSH)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 410 (OTC: SKDI) (CSE: NLB) (OTC: PHCG) (CSE: IMCC) (TSXV: NRTH) (TSX: AVCN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 409 (CSE: BEV) (OTC: BVNNF) (OTC: SING) (OTC: HEMP) (TSX: RIV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 408 - Market Recap
April 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 407 (CSE: CHOO) (TSX: FAF) (TSXV: PCLO) (CSE: TRUL) (CSE: HOLL) (OTCQB: HLIX)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 406 (OTC: CSUI) (TSXV: SUGR) (OTC: RLLRF) (TSXV: EMH) (OTCQX: EMHTF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 405 (CSE: PMED) (TSX: FIRE) (CSE: HARV) (CSE: SHRM) (CSE: BILZ)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 404 - (OTC: SKDI), (CSE: FLYY), (CSE: HOLL), (NASDAQ: NEPT) (TSX: NEPT), (TSXV: YSS)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 403 (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF) (OTC: GRCU) (TSXV: NRTH)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 402 (OTC: SKDI) (OTC: CURR) (OTC: PSYC) (OTCQX: MRMD)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 401 - Happy 4/20! (CSE: BOSS) (OTC: BOSQF) (NYSE: THCX)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 400 - 3 Days Until 4/20 (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 399 - Everything is Online! (TSXV: XLY)(TSX: APHA) (NYSE: APHA) (TSXV: RLV) (TSX: FAF) (TSX: NEPT) (NASDAQ: NEPT)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 398 - (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 397 (CSE: HITI) (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB) (TSXV: RLV) (OTC: PSYC) (CSE: SHRM)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 396 (CSE:BEV) (CSE: THC) (TSX: FAF) (TSXV: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (TSXV: RLV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 395 - Interview with Anthony Charles, Co-Founder of Oakum Cannabis Corp.
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 394 (NASDAQ: $NEPT) (TSX: NEPT) (TSX.V: RLV) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: $CGC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 393 (CSE: EASY) (TSXV: N) (OTC: NXTTF) (TSXV: NRTH)
March 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 392 (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: VFF) (NASDAQ: VFF) (TSXV: VLNS) (TSX: TRST) (CSE: BILZ)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 391 (TSX: HEXO) (NYSE: HEXO) (CSE:IMCC) (CSE: TGIF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 390 - Cannabis Stocks Rebound (NASDAQ: $TLRY) (NYSE: $HEXO) (NYSE: $CGC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 389 (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (TSXV: NRTH) (TSX: ALEF) (OTC: ALEAF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 388 Cannabis Deemed Essential (CSE: SHRM)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 387 (CSE: PLTH) (OTCQX: PLNHF) (TSX: VFF) (NASDAQ: VFF) (CSE: IMCC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 386 (OTC: EDXC) (CSE: GGB) (OTCQB: GGBXF) (CSE: VIBE) (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQB: KHRNF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 385 - Interview with James Shih, Co-Founder of My Green Network
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 384 - Cannabis Coronavirus Closures (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (TSXV: LIFT) (OTCQB: LFCOF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 383 (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: $CGC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Episode 382 - Interview with Chef Joe Sasto
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 381 - Beverage Round-Up - (NYSE: CGC), (CSE: BEV) (NYSE: HEXO) (NYSE: TAP) (NASDAQ: TLRY) (NYSE: BUD)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Episode 380 (CSE: DIXI.U) (OTCQX: DXBRF), (CSE: PLTH) (OTCQX: PLNHF), (TSXV: EMH)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (OTC: PHOT) (TSXV: VLNS) (TSXV: NRTH) (OTC: MJNE)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: JWCA.V) (OTCQX: JWCAF) (CSE: TILT) (TSX: FAF) (CSE: EASY)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: RLV) (OTCQB: RLLVF) (OTC: AGTK) (OTCQB: NUGS) (OTCQB: HLIX) (CSE: SLNG) (OTC: EDXC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF) (TSXV: N) (TSXV: N) (CSE: BLO)
February 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (OTCQB: PBIO), (TSX: TRST) (NYSE: CTST) (TSXV: NDVA) (TSXV: JWCA.V)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: VLNS) (TSX: VFF) (NASDAQ: VFF) (CSE: HOLL) (CSE: AUSA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (CSE: JUSH) (OTCXQ: JUSHF) (CSE: CURA) (OTCQX: CURLF), (TSXV: JWCA) (OTCQX: JWCAF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: HUGE) (CSE: HUGE) (CSE: HOLL) (CSE: INDS) (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: LABS)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (TSX: ZENA) (CSE: BEV) (CSE: MOTA) (TSX: TGOD) (OTC: TGODF) (TSX: JWCA.V)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Interview with Matt Markiewicz, Managing Director of the Cannabis ETF (NYSE: THCX)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (TSX: RIV) (CSE: AGRA) (TSXV: ENW)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (CSE: BHNG) (TSXV: NDVA) (TSXV: LIFT) (TSXV: TBP) (TSXV: FLWR)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (NYSE: ACB) (NYSE: CGC) (OTC: HEMP) (CSE: HOLL) (TSXV: KHRN) (CSE: MPXI)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks; Special CEO snapshot (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB), (CSE: MMEN) (NASDAQ: SNDL) (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) (NYSE: APHA) (TSX: APHA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Deepak Anand, Co-Founder and CEO of Materia Ventures
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (TSX-V: SVS) (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF) (CSE: IAN) (CSE: BHNG) (NASDAQ: WTER)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB), (TSXV: NRTH) (TSXV:NDVA) (CSE: TFC) (CSE: CURA)
January 2020
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Co-Founder / CEO of Greenlane Enterprises (NASDAQ: GNLN)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (OTC: EDXC) (TSXV: LIFT) (CSE: CURA) (CSE: AGRA) (CSE: IMCC)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (CSE: CHV) (CSE: HITI) (TSXV: PCLO) (CSE: XPHY) (CSE: MGRO)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (TSXV: VIVO) (TSXV: PCLO) (TSX: APHA) (NYSE: APHA) (OTC: HEMP)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; Interview with CEO of Lift and Co (TSXV: LIFT) (OTCQB: LFCOF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; CEO of Yield Growth Corp. (CSE: BOSS) (OTCQB: BOSQF) at the Lift and Co Expo 2020 in Vancouver
Investor Ideas Potcasts, Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move; Interview with Anthony Durkacz, Chairman of World Class Extractions Inc. (CSE: PUMP) (OTC: WCEXF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (CSE: DIXI.U) (OTCQX: DXBRF) (CSE: AUSA) (CSE: BEV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (TSX: FAF) (TSXV: N) (TSXV: KHRN) (TSX: APHA) (NYSE: APHA)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (NASDAQ: HUGE) (CSE: HUGE), (NASDAQ: SNDL), (CSE: TGIF)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (TSX: RIV) (OTC: CNPOF) (TSXV: JWCA) (CSE: CL) (OTCQB: HLIX) (CSE: BEV)
Investor Ideas Potcasts, #Cannabis News and #Stocks on the Move; (CSE: HARV) (CSE: HUGE) (OTCQX: MRMD) (TSXV: LIFT) (OTCQB: LFCOF)